King’s Road Veterinary Practice aims to provide a high standard of care to meet the needs of you and your pet. We believe that we achieve this most of the time. If we are not getting it right, please let us know.
In order to ensure that our services remain at a high and improving standard, we have a procedure through which you can let us know of any reason that you are not satisfied with your experiences at our practice.

If you are not happy with us, please tell us.

If you are unhappy with the services that we provide, please speak to the relevant staff member with whom you have been dealing.

If you are unhappy with an individual at the practice, sometimes it is best to tell that person directly but if you find that this is too difficult or inappropriate, please refer to the instruction below:
If you have been unable to resolve your concerns using the above methods, then please put your complaint in writing addressed to the Practice Manager. This can be done by email or letter using the following :

Email :

Address: FAO Angie Waugh, Kings Road Vets, The Kings Road, Sunderland, SR5 2LH

All written complaints will be logged and you will receive acknowledgement of the complaint within 5 working days of it being received by the Practice Manager. The aim is to investigate your claim fully and we will respond to your complaint in full within 10 working days. If this is not possible, an interim response will be made to inform you of the action taken to date and you will be advised of a date by which you can expect the matter to be assessed in full.

Please ensure that written complaints contain the following:
• Times and dates
• Personnel involved
• Your concerns in full
• Your thoughts on what the outcome of the complaint should be
• Please include your full name and address, your pets name, your email address and your telephone number

Although it is always disappointing to receive negative feedback, we do see it as a learning tool which enables us to develop and improve our services to suit the needs of our clients and our patients alike.

Finally, please also let us know if you are happy with our services